Mobile-first web design, Service redesign
- Aash A.
- Christine C.
- Jamie Y.
3 weeks
Photo Gallery
Redesign the symphony’s website to attract more millennials
While the the San Francisco Symphony is recognized as world class and is currently well attended, the vast majority of this audience is from the older generation. In order to maintain relevancy in the community in the years to come, the symphony would like to begin attracting a younger audience — more specifically, millennials — by redesigning the digital experience.
- In-person interviews were conducted, guided by an interview script, to gain insights on millennials' goals, perceptions, and motivators.
- Field Research allowed us to observe the current experience current experience of attending a symphony and identify design opportunities.
- Online surveys helped us confirm hypotheses on correlations between specific behaviors and observations.
- Secondary Research provided insights to millennial psychographics and observed trends of symphony attendance around the world.
Following the interviews, we consolidated our research findings and interview notes as a team. We then pulled key observations and grouped them into common themes in an affinity map and empathy map.
These themes guided us in pinpointing the core issues and identifying the specific problem to address, consequently providing a framework to guide our design direction.
Perception - Millennials see the symphony as an unfamiliar, old-fashioned, and intimidating event
Cyber Identity– Events that can contribute to one's online "coolness" are well attended.
Habit – The lack of attendance is not due to differing taste in music, but rather due to lack of habit (generation gap)
Online Behavior – Traits of popular digital mediums are: discoverability, customization, fast information consumption
Risk-averse adventurers – While millennials seek new experiences, they do not like to stand out as "newbies"
With these insights, we were able to begin designing a solution that also served as a holistic, long-term solution:
- Website Redesign - Leverage the site as a main entry point with a design that empowers the user with the information to enhance their concert attending experience.
- Service Redesign - Consider the other touch points
- Personas
- User Journey Map
- Low-Fi Wireframes